Freshers for BCA Interview Technical Round Question and Answer

Freshers for BCA Interview Technical Round Question and Answer

One of the most critical steps in a person’s life after graduation is their introduction into the workforce. Most people nowadays prefer to work rather than further their education. The flexibility of today’s employment and school systems has led to this decision. There are numerous distance and online education choices accessible, allowing students to study while working part-time. But, before anything else, an internship or a first job, there is a major hurdle to overcome in order to enter the workforce: the interview.

Although interviews are not new, there have been significant changes in how they are performed and what is expected of interviewees over the years. Change and diversification of industries and lines of employment provide change and difference. So every interview is different in terms of how it is handled, how questions are asked, and how you are sometimes expected to answer and even demonstrate your talents on the spot.

BCA Interview Questions

We will discuss interview questions for BCA students in this blog. After graduation, BCA students might pursue an MCA or seek government or private positions. In any case, they’d have to prepare for interviews, which may be arranged through campus placements or by a candidate themselves. Apart from the standard questions on self-introduction and a few common interview questions BCA graduates are asked a slew of other technical questions relevant to their field of study. Let’s dive deeper into the top 10 technical interview questions commonly asked BCA graduates.

Have you recently worked on any projects?

How to answer: Because this is a simple question, you should begin with a straightforward response. Discuss any projects you worked on in college or any other projects for that matter. Give the interviewer a clear understanding of the project, your role and duties in the team (if it was a team project), and how you approached and developed the idea. The interviewer will get a sense of your technical understanding by talking about technical approaches and techniques.

Tell me about an instance when you went above and beyond your normal responsibilities on a project.

How to answer: The interviewer is asking about your commitment to your job and your work ethic in this question. Give your response by emphasizing how passionate you are about projects or simply finding solutions, and stress that getting the specified task done properly comes first and once you’ve completed that, you can move on to finding other solutions. When answering this question, make sure you don’t linger too long on the first point and jump right to the example: tell them about a time when you were the team’s ace while working on a project. Sharing an experience rather than merely giving facts makes it more credible.

What technical certifications do you have or tell us about some of the courses you have done?

How to answer: All of your certifications are likely to have already been listed on your resume. Give the names of the courses and discuss what you learned during the certifications. The interviewer wants to know if you still have the knowledge that you acquired during achieving the certificates you mentioned.

What is your go-to coding language?

How to answer: Tell the interviewer about the coding language with which you are most comfortable. It can be Python, JavaScript, C++, or any other programming language, but it must be genuine. Because this is a tough question that can open Pandora’s box, don’t add something just because it seems more enticing than the other. After you’ve answered, the interviewer may go on to inquire about the distinctions between a few programming languages and what you don’t like about the others. As a result, it is preferable to respond with certainty and what you are most educated about.

Tell me about SAN, and how is it used?

How to answer: To begin, you should be familiar with all technical jargon and abbreviations before the interview. If you’re asked about SAN (Storage Area Network), for example, rather than giving a dry definition, go into detail regarding its functioning using an example.

Can you name some basic Java Programs?

How to answer: The answer to this question is simple (if you know about Java Programs), but make sure to start with the programs in which you are most confident. Whether it’s Palindrome, Fibonacci, Factorial, Armstrong, or any other Java basic program, make sure you know everything there is to know about it and are prepared to answer any questions that arise.

What is the role of continuous integration systems in the automated-build process?

How to answer: Continuous integration is utilized while developing a new feature to help eliminate bugs and errors, as any BCA student knows. The Continuous Integration and Automatic Build Server detects changes in the repository, runs the tests, assigns a label, and notifies the team if the build was successful or not. In the automated build process, Continuous Integration’s job is to leverage build automation to validate check-ins and enable teams to spot issues early.

Can you talk about inheritance a bit?

How to answer: Explain inheritance and OOP (object-oriented programming, if necessary) to them, as well as the many types of inheritance. If you are conceptually strong, don’t be afraid to answer in detail. Simply be confident while answering.

When should you denormalize your database design?

How to answer: To give the interviewer an impression of your familiarity with the concept, start by explaining what denormalization is. Then discuss when denormalizing a database design is truly necessary.

How do you keep up-to-date on your technical certifications and knowledge?

How to answer: To respond to this question, discuss how you utilize the internet responsibly to stay current on developments in your field. Tell the interviewer that you read newsletters, blogs, books, fellow YouTubers, and take online courses, among other things. You can also mention that you attend events and conferences, practice coding, and so on. Make it clear to the interviewer that you are always up to date on your industry.

BCA Interview Technical Question and Answer

Here some Technical Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Interview Questions on technical knowledge -

It is the most essential part of a technical interview. A fresher has some knowledge about technical parts, which can help to give the best answer.

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Ans. – Artificial Intelligence is a technology that is used in computer science. It is used for creating an intelligent machine that can behave like a human; it can solve any task.

2. Do you have any idea why programming languages exist?

Ans. – Yes, the programming language is a formal language that can produce various information by coding. It is the way that programmers used to communicate with computers.

3. What is the full form of SDLC?

Ans. – The full form of SDLC is Software Development Life Cycle. It is a well-known process that provides quality software products in a short time.

4. Name some popular operating systems.

Ans. – Microsoft, OSX, Linux, and Windows are some popular operating systems.

Interview questions on technical experience -

This part of the Technical interview questions for freshers depends on their experience during internships or while working on projects. So, it is the most valuable part of an interview.

5. If you have to learn a new programming language for this job, what will you do?

Ans. – I'm always ready to learn. And I've learned many programming languages like- C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, SQL, Python, and Ruby. So, I think I will learn the new language smoothly as well.

6. What interests pulled you up about this job?

Ans. – I'm highly interested in joining as a programmer in this job. I think my master's programs are helping me to grow in this field, and I can implement my skills also.

Interview Questions about education - This is also an important part of an interview. The interviewer gets some idea from this section of the interview about how much the candidate knows about technical terms, what kind of training they need etc.

7. What is your educational background?

Ans. I have done my B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science from XYZ college. I have also pursued a master's degree in Python and Java.

8. Why should we hire you?

Ans. – I am a fresher but I have the required qualification that you are looking for. I cannot ask you to hire me, but I can assure you that I will prove my worth and deliver quality work if you hire me.

9. In what position do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Ans. – As a fresher, it is very difficult to say but still, I want to be in a successful position with lots of experience and give the proud moment for my company.

Situational Based Interview Questions -

This is the trickiest part of the technical interview questions. The interviewer wants to know if the people have any technique to overcome any certain challenges in a workplace.

10. What would be a big challenge for you if this company hired you?

Ans. – Being a fresher, every task is a new challenge for me. There is no specification in this field. I have gained some knowledge through my education, but I am not applying it anywhere professionally. I think these challenges will be helpful to become a successful employee.

11. What will you do if you are not selected for this job?

Ans. – Since this is my first interview, I will be a little displeased. I do not wish to carry this emotion for a long time. I will correct and learn from my mistakes and prepare for other interviews with confidence.

12. Would you lie for a company?

Ans. – I will consider lying only in a situation where there is a possibility of losing the company’s core values. Otherwise, I will look at alternatives.

13. If you could start your life over, what would you change?

Ans. – Every experience in life is a lesson in its way. I wouldn’t change anything.

14. Are you willing to relocate?

Ans. – Yes, I am ready to relocate if my services are required but provided the salary for good to survive.

15. On a scale of one to ten, rate us as interviewers.

Ans. – You all have been very methodical and analytical, which qualities are needed to conduct a good interview.

Some tips for a technical interview round for freshers

Do’s –

  • Get some knowledge about the company.
  • Try to answer according to the CV. Before going for an interview, kindly revise your cv properly. It will help you to answer perfectly.
  • It is very important to listen to them carefully. You have to reply to them accordingly.

Don’ts –

  • As a fresher, you have to answer very politely and calmly. Do not rush in the interview.
  • Don’t try to give any wrong information about you or your education or knowledge.
  • If you hold any grudges about any past incident, don’t show it in the interview section.

What we discussed above are just a few technical interview questions and answers for freshers, along with a few do's and don'ts. Remember not to panic and answer all the technical interview questions confidently and smartly. Always remember your communication skills matter along with your technical knowledge.


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