How much does it cost to feed a germen shepherd?

Feeding a German Shepherd, or any large breed dog, involves careful consideration of various factors such as the dog's age, activity level, health status, and the type of food you choose to provide. Below, we will explore the costs associated with feeding a German Shepherd in detail, breaking down the costs by types of food (dry kibble, wet food, raw diet, homemade food), and considering additional supplements or treats. We'll also discuss the nutritional requirements and how they impact the cost.

Nutritional Requirements of a German Shepherd

German Shepherds are active, intelligent, and large dogs with specific nutritional needs. They require a balanced diet that includes:

  • High-quality protein: Essential for muscle maintenance and overall health.
  • Fats: Important for energy and a healthy coat.
  • Carbohydrates: Provide energy and support digestion.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Crucial for various bodily functions and overall well-being.

Types of Dog Food

1. Dry Kibble

Dry kibble is the most common and generally cost-effective option for feeding a German Shepherd. Prices for dry kibble can vary widely based on the quality of the ingredients and the brand.

  • Economy brands: $1 to $1.50 per pound
  • Mid-range brands: $2 to $3 per pound
  • Premium brands: $3 to $6 per pound

Daily Consumption:

  • An adult German Shepherd typically eats 3.5 to 4.5 cups of dry kibble per day.
  • On average, a pound of dry kibble contains about 4 cups.

Monthly Cost:

  • Economy brands: $30 to $45
  • Mid-range brands: $60 to $90
  • Premium brands: $90 to $180

2. Wet Food

Wet food is often more expensive than dry kibble and is usually used in combination with dry kibble or for special dietary needs.

  • Economy brands: $1 to $2 per can (13 oz)
  • Mid-range brands: $2 to $3 per can
  • Premium brands: $3 to $5 per can

Daily Consumption:

  • An adult German Shepherd may consume 2 to 3 cans per day.

Monthly Cost:

  • Economy brands: $60 to $120
  • Mid-range brands: $120 to $180
  • Premium brands: $180 to $450

3. Raw Diet

A raw diet, also known as BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), is increasingly popular among dog owners who want to provide a more natural diet for their pets.

  • Homemade raw diet: $2 to $3 per pound
  • Commercially prepared raw diet: $5 to $10 per pound

Daily Consumption:

  • A German Shepherd typically eats 2 to 3% of its body weight in raw food per day. For a 75-pound dog, this is about 1.5 to 2.25 pounds of food daily.

Monthly Cost:

  • Homemade raw diet: $90 to $135
  • Commercially prepared raw diet: $225 to $675

4. Homemade Food

Homemade dog food allows for complete control over ingredients and quality. However, it requires careful planning to ensure all nutritional needs are met.

  • Cost of ingredients: $2 to $5 per pound

Daily Consumption:

  • Similar to raw diets, a German Shepherd will eat around 1.5 to 2.25 pounds of homemade food daily.

Monthly Cost:

  • $90 to $340 depending on the ingredients used.

Additional Costs

1. Supplements

Depending on the dog's health and diet, supplements might be necessary. Common supplements include:

  • Vitamins and minerals: $10 to $30 per month
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin (for joint health): $20 to $40 per month
  • Probiotics: $10 to $20 per month

Total Monthly Supplement Cost: $40 to $90

2. Treats

Treats are important for training and rewarding good behavior but should be given in moderation.

  • Economy treats: $5 to $10 per month
  • Premium treats: $20 to $50 per month

Total Monthly Treat Cost: $5 to $50

Summary of Monthly Feeding Costs

Economy Diet:

  • Dry kibble: $30 to $45
  • Wet food: $60 to $120
  • Raw diet: $90 to $135 (homemade)
  • Homemade food: $90 to $150
  • Supplements: $40 to $90
  • Treats: $5 to $10

Mid-range Diet:

  • Dry kibble: $60 to $90
  • Wet food: $120 to $180
  • Raw diet: $225 to $450 (commercial)
  • Homemade food: $150 to $250
  • Supplements: $40 to $90
  • Treats: $10 to $20

Premium Diet:

  • Dry kibble: $90 to $180
  • Wet food: $180 to $450
  • Raw diet: $450 to $675 (commercial)
  • Homemade food: $250 to $340
  • Supplements: $40 to $90
  • Treats: $20 to $50

Annual Feeding Costs

  • Economy Diet: $1,260 to $2,820
  • Mid-range Diet: $2,220 to $4,920
  • Premium Diet: $3,360 to $7,560


Feeding a German Shepherd can range from relatively affordable to quite expensive, depending on the quality and type of food chosen. On average, you can expect to spend between $105 and $630 per month, or $1,260 to $7,560 annually. It's important to remember that investing in high-quality food can lead to better health outcomes for your dog, potentially reducing veterinary costs in the long run. Additionally, individual dogs may have specific dietary needs that could influence costs, such as food allergies or medical conditions requiring special diets.

When budgeting for a German Shepherd, it's crucial to consider these feeding costs alongside other expenses like veterinary care, grooming, and training to ensure you can provide a happy and healthy life for your canine companion.

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